Wrap Around Care

We have had an excellent uptake to our Wrap Around care.
Please contact the School Office if you would like to book a space.
Telephone no: 01462 813293 or email office@meppershallacad.org
Fees are as follows: Breakfast Club - 8.00am to Start of School £4.00 (price includes breakfast)
After School Club Session One - 3.30pm to 4.30pm £4.00 Session Two – 4.30pm to 5.30pm £5.00
If any child is not collected by 5.30pm, there will be a charge of £5.00 for every 15 minutes delay
Payments must be made in advance using your Eduspot School money account.
Please contact the Office if you cannot log into your account. Please top up your account in advance and the money will be taken from your account the day after a club is attended.
Payment reminders will be issued on a Friday. Places can be booked for weekly use or one or more sessions a week.
Occasional one off bookings can be made if spaces are available. For further information please contact the school office.

Please note: There will be NO after school sessions available on the last day of each term.