Our Curriculum Statement


At Meppershall Academy we believe that a curriculum is everything a child experiences in school, whether planned or unplanned. We have a strong commitment to providing the best possible chance for every child to thrive by engaging in learning both within and beyond the classroom.



Our curriculum is designed to develop the academic, the physical and  emotional well-being of children. We help them acquire strategies which develop resilience and enhance mental health.

We provide a curriculum where connections are made between individual subjects and which follows the National Curriculum and where adaptations are made to support the learning of all children in our learning community. The curriculum is sequential, building on previous knowledge and skills so that they become embedded in children’s long term memory and can be transferred to different contexts. We plan opportunities for them to be creative, to experiment, explore and vitally, to make mistakes from which they will learn and grow.

We believe our children need to be familiar with the growing locality in which they live and understand how they fit within it. We recognise that for children to thrive in the wider world exposure to the diversity of cultures and faiths that contribute to the richness of our country is important. We have planned activities throughout the curriculum to expose them to this diversity.

We also believe our children need opportunities to develop their voice so they can stand up for what is right and speak out against things that are wrong. So we seek to include activities to develop their confidence in speaking and listening. We do this through purposeful classroom talk and rich conversations where they express their own opinions and learn to agree and disagree respectfully with others.

Our commitment to ensuring that all children experience a broad education is underpinned by ensuring that they understand the role and purpose of Christian values in their lives. By living these values every day, they will learn to become successful individuals within our community, and be prepared for living in the world beyond.



We will have well rounded pupils  who are prepared to embark on the next stage of their education.  They will be able to take risks in their investigations and fully accept that making mistakes will underpin their higher understanding of the different subject areas.  Meppershall pupils will be community minded, living and breathing our Christian values to develop as  social advocates for local, national and global issues.  



Meppershall Church of England Primary is a split-site primary school.


Meppershall Site

Early years              (EYFS) 

Years 1 and 2          (Key Stage One)  

Years 3&4                (Lower Key Stage 2) 

Henlow Site

Years 5&6                (Upper Key Stage Two) 

For more information about the different Key Stages go to https://www.gov.uk/national-curriculum

If you would like any further information about the curriculum at Meppershall Academy please email office@meppershallacad.org